Competition Information:
  1. 4 Bowls per player.
  2. Winner is first to 90 points.
  3. The Bowl nearest the jack scores 4 points, second nearest scores 3 points, third nearest scores 2 points and fourth nearest scores 1 point. This means the total score in each end must add up to 10.
  4. The player who casts the jack and begins the end is the player with the shot bowl in the previous end.
  5. If any two bowls which are in the count are exactly the same distance from the jack, unless the two bowls belong to the same player, the two bowls, and those two only, are played again to decide who will have the higher score. This occurs once the other scoring bowls have been agreed and all bowls are removed from the rink. The player who began the end shall bowl first.
Ladies Fixed Jack specific:
  1. The following ends are to be played to a short jack: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16 and 17.
  2. The following ends are to be played to a long jack: 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 and 18.
  3. If the jack is moved, the marker must replace it on the marked spot.
  4. If a bowl is covering the marked spot where the jack should be placed, that bowl must be rolled back along its line of entry until the jack can be placed on its spot.
  5. In the event of a 90-90 tie, 2 extra ends shall be played. The toss of a coin shall take place, the winner of the toss deciding who is to play first.
  6. End 19 is to be played to a long jack, end 20 is to be played to a short jack. Subsequent tiebreak ends, if required, shall follow the pattern of ends.
Instructions on how to mark the rink:
  1. Golf tees are placed on the centre line of the rink at points A, B, C and D.
  2. Please ensure golf tees are pushed well into the ground so as not to impede moving bowls.
  3. Points A and B are two metres from the ditch. Point C is 23 metres plus 5 centimetres from point A. Point D is 23 metres plus 5 centimetres from point B.
  4. The front of the mat is placed at point A in odd numbered ends and point B in even numbered ends.
  5. For the short jack, the jack is placed at point C when playing from point A and point D when playing from point B.
  6. For the long jack, the jack is placed at point A or B and the end is played to the opposing point B or A.