Brian Burfoot is now calling for names for the Outdoor Matches, the first of which is on 3rd May.
I therefore enclose 3 documents:-
1) and 2) Availability sheet for Delegates to collate details of players wishing to be considered. Names are to be returned to Brian Burfoot but the due date for each match. The two documents cover May through to August. Delegates are advised to circulate and ensure they are on Club Notice boards at the earliest opportunity to obtain the widest Club exposure.
3) The 3rd document is one that can be issued to all bowlers for them to complete individually to indicate the games where they are available. This does not replace the collective Availability forms but enables bowlers to plan for the season and for Brian Burfoot to track demand in advance of Delegates submitted Club names for each match. Please circulate this form to all men bowlers who can complete it and return it to Brian.
Brian Burfoot’s contact details are on all the documents.
Copies of the documents are also available for download from the home page of our website. .
Note we are mindful that the current coronavirus problem may put the games at risk or we may need to manage them approproiately. You may have noted, for example, that the last Indoor match against SADLBA at the end of this month at Harpenden IBC has been cancelled as they are closing the site to matches for 30 days. As yet no decisions have been made with regards to Outdoor matches. For now please assume that all Outdoor games will be held as advertised. Officers on the Executive will, of course, consider on a case by case basis and inform you or any changes as matters progress.
Note that we are also mindful that there is an Executive meeting scheduled for 25th March where Delegates will need to arrange for collection Handbooks, Competition and League cards. Advice on arrangements for this will be issued next week.
Lastly please welcome Joe Festa of Welwyn and District as their new Delegate. He is taking over from Les Page who has been their temporary Delegate following the move of Norman Muller. Contact details for Joe can be found on our website at .
Michael Scandrett
Distribution Officer & Competition Secretary